Posts by Ahamad Boodoo
Le Caudan Charity Run et Maison Dawah
Pour le lancement de la phase 1 du nouveau Jogging Track, Le Caudan Waterfront avait organisé un « Caudan Charity Run » le samedi 5 Novembre 2022. Parmi les objectifs de cet évènement il y avait aussi l’idée de contribuer à la lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire.
Les partenaires de l’organisateur étaient MCB Consulting, Crystal et Winners. Ce dernier a doublé la mise de Rs 57,123 récoltés lors des inscriptions.
Environ 205 familles dans la région de Port Louis allaient bénéficier de produits alimentaires de base offerts par l’enseigne. La distribution des colis alimentaires serait la responsabilité de deux associations caritatives – Maison Dawah et Caritas Ile Maurice – situées dans la région de Port Louis.
La société organisatrice a finalement récolté la somme de Rs 184,246.
La participation de Maison Dawah
Maison Dawah a collecté les items suivants de Winner’s (Victoria Urban Terminal) le 28 Novembre 2022 : riz, lait en poudre, l’huile, farine, sucre, sel, lentille noire, dholl petit pois, tomate entier en boite, pilchard, fromage cheddar, macaroni, lunchon meat, sardines, mine, savon et détergent lessive.
Le tout pour une valeur de Rs 93,750. On a préparé 75 colis alimentaires qui ont été distribués, la première semaine de décembre 2022, à 75 familles dans les régions de Port Louis, Roche Bois, Ste Croix, Cassis, Pailles, Grande Rivière, Petite Rivière, Chebel, Coromandel. Et il y aussi quatre bénéficiaires (très méritants) qui habitent à Plaine des Papayes, Quatre Bornes et Curepipe. Chaque colis était d’une valeur d’environ Rs 1,250.
Les bénéficiaires étaient très contents et très soulagés en recevant ces colis. Les remerciements à Maison Dawah et aux généreux donateurs diffusaient de partout. Notre personnel et nos sympathisants qui aidaient dans la distribution des colis étaient très émus et satisfaits, tout remerciement au Bon Dieu, Le Tout Puissant.
Contribution de Maison Dawah
Une dizaine de nos membres – hommes, dames et enfants — ont participé au Charity Run. De notre stand nous avons distribué 204 bouteilles d’eau (0.5L) et 250 petits paquets de dattes que les gens ont bien appréciés. Et, un grand merci pour l’opportunité que le secrétaire de Maison Dawah, Ahamad Boodoo, a eu pour expliquer à cette belle audience présente quelques activités de Maison Dawah.
L’organisation de l’évènement était très professionnelle et l’évènement lui même a été un succès.
Maison Dawah se sent très honorée d’avoir été choisie afin de participer à cet évènement et participer aussi dans la lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire.
Nos remerciements de tout cœur à la direction de Le Caudan Waterfront sans oublier Mme Rachel Odillard pour ses conseils et son accompagnement pendant les préparations.
Nos remerciements aussi aux partenaires MCB Consulting, Crystal et Winners.
9 Février 2023
Mr. Ahamad Boodoo
Second Family Dawah on 11 August 2022
Last year, precisely September 2021, Maison Dawah organised a family Dawah in a remote village (Dubreuil) in the district of Moka. The family comprises of a couple with their three children (Grades 3, 4 and 7 respectively). They were provided with spiritual support through some basic Islamic teachings, praying Zuhr in congregation, having a meal together and the distribution of gifts.
This first Family Dawah proved to be successful and fruitful. This year, we decided to pay them a second visit on 11 August 2022.
The program started at 10.40 hrs as follows:
- Demonstration of wuzu.
- A talk on the importance of salat (prayer) in Islam
- Question and answer session – basic questions on Islam prepared for reverts in general.
- Azaan. Salaat Zuhr in Jama’at where everybody participated.
- Lunch
- Tafseer of Surah Ikhlaas.
- Talk on Eid-ul-Adha and the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s).
- Distribution of gifts to our hosts. Vote of thanks.
- Departure at 14:35 hours.
The event was successful and the hosts were attentive and participative during the talks. The husband even expressed his contentment towards us by saying ‘’Mo senti moi heureux kan zott la’’.
Under this note, we can remind ourselves about verse 103 in Surah Ale Imran where Allah (swt) tells us;
‘’Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. Remember the favor of Allah upon you, when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became brothers by His favor.’’

Job opportunity at Maison Dawah for assistant co-ordinator

Kindly please send your cv on : maisondawah@nusayhah
For further information kindly please call on 213 6377 or 5480 9944
Humanitarian aid
We realise that these days the cost of living is continually going up and needy families are finding it extremely difficult to feed their children two meals daily.
It was therefore decided, in a spirit of solidarity and compassion, to give some additional food support to a number of families. After carefully examining the files of our beneficiaries a short list of 20 families was drawn up.
In the week beginning 13 June 2022, 20 foodpacks (basic food items only, each pack worth about Rs 1,220) were distributed to these families.
The beneficiaries showed much humility and gratitude upon this unexpected humanitarian gesture.Locations where distributed:•Ward IV, Vallée Pitot, Plaine Verte, Cassis, St Croix, Terre Rouge, Trou aux Biches, Montagne Longue, Dubreuil, Moka, Coromandel, St Paul, Vacoas, Cité Richelieu, Cité Grande Rivière, St Hubert.
We also thought of cleanliness of the house of these needy families. Hygienic packs were prepared for three families with children- consisting of brushes, brooms, mops, soaps and detergents etc. Each hygienic pack is worth about Rs 700 – Rs 1,500.
The beneficiaries were pleasantly surprised. They were very happy too. Lots of thanks to our donators and wellwishers.
𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗵 – 𝗔𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲
For the past two years, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Wakashio etc. disaster, many families have watched helplessly as their state of poverty deteriorates. The reasons are varied – loss of employment, climate change, food shortages at times, depreciation of the rupee etc.
Now, with the general price spike, families in pre-COVID-19 distress are finding themselves in even more dire straits! So much so that the newspapers speak of families who can only afford one meal a day. These families, especially their children, amply deserve a contribution of food aid in order to be able to sleep “on a full stomach”.
At Maison Dawah we want to respond to this urgent need. We have prepared 20 food parcels (value approximately Rs 1,120 each parcel) and the distribution has just been completed, Praise God.
As a reminder, Maison Dawah is a non-profit organisation which focuses on Dawah, Social interventions and Training/Empowerment. Thanks to our donators and collaborators, we are able to implement various activities for the welfare of the society especially the distressed families. If you wish to contribute in this noble endeavour, we accept donations such as Lillah, Zakaat, Fitra, Fidya, Sadaqah and CSR. May Allah reward us all for our intention and humble actions.

Collection of Zakaat, Lillah, Fitra, Fidya and Sadaqa etc…

Ramadan Food Pack 2022/1443 Hijri
Like every year, Maison Dawah embarked on its Ramadan Food Pack project a few days before the coming of the blessed month. We wanted to ensure that our vulnerable brothers and sisters have enough food at home to start the month of Ramadan. 50 foodpacks were prepared (value Rs 960 each). Distribution to beneficiaries began on Tuesday 29.03.2022.May Allah (swt) bless us all and protect us from COVID-19 and other calamities.

Follow up of Wakashio collateral victims
In a spirit of solidarity towards families in distress Maison Dawah effected two food distribution programmes on 19 August 2020 and 3 February 2021 at Résidence La Chaux and Rivière Des Creoles respectively.
A few months ago, in 2021, registered fishermen received a monetary compensation from the authorities.
However, there are other fishermen and people who earn a living in sea-related activities who are not registered with the authorities.It is this group of families that Maison Dawah decided to help this time.
In collaboration with an active and well-known social worker, Mr. Gino Juhel, Maison Dawah proceeded with food distribution on Monday 14 February 2022 at Petit Bel Air Stadium. 12 selected families received a food pack each worth about Rs 1,000.
In his introductory speech, Mr Gino talked about the rich history of the southern region- Ferney, Rivière Des Creoles etc. He thanked Maison Dawah repeatedly for this humanitarian action. Whereas Ahamad Boodoo of Maison Dawah gave an overview of the activities of Maison Dawah before explaining the teaching of Islam about our duty to give food to people, especially to those in distress. Staff of Maison Dawah also explained to the beneficiaries about the procedures to apply for SRM (Social Register of Mauritius).

Distribution of food pack and school materials
At Maison Dawah, we are currently undergoing the following activities:
- Distribution of food pack (value above Rs 1,000) to 25 needy families.
- School materials for our fellow 14 beneficiaries.