Project: distribution of sanitary pads – July 2022

Menstruation plays a very important role in a woman’s life. This phase begins around the age of 11 and ends with menopause.

Menstruation, also known as periods, is considered a natural process designed by God The Creator. Every month a woman goes through this phase of her life and the days of her period vary from woman to woman. That said, with the current spike in the prices of food and other basic necessities, at Maison Dawah we have realized that it will be very, very difficult for women, whose families are in distress, to maintain good hygiene in this pertaining to menstruation.

So, we decided to embark on a new project known as “Distribution of Sanitary Pads” where 324 pads (total value Rs 9,330) were purchased to be distributed to our beneficiaries among whom are adults and teenage girls. . Their preferences (in terms of choice of sanitary napkins) were taken into consideration and the distribution started well on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. It is good to know that we have provided the sanitary napkins for periods of time varying between 3 months and 8 months.

A reminder for the Muslim woman: she must maintain good hygiene. During the period of menstruation she should not perform the ritual prayer (swalaat) and also she should not make up for missed prayers.